954 203 4786 [email protected]

My Blog

Daily Wellness Resources

Loving Our Life – Are You Living Your Best Life?

Are you living your best life?  If not, why not? “You are really living your best life”.  I have had several people make that exact comment to me recently.  After the third time, I started thinking about it and realized they are right.  But what does...

Leaving Our Legacy – What is Cancer Coaching

As I write this, I have a few days left until I retire. I have been so blessed with the amazing people and opportunities that I have known during my 27 years with UPS. Many people struggle with retirement and there was a time when I was worried that I would be one of...

Loss of Lard – Meal Planning

A failure to plan is a plan to fail. Weight loss has become an obsession – not just in the U.S., but all over the world. LOL Living would just not be complete if I did not include healthy body composition as a part of a full and joyful lifestyle. But notice that I did...

Featured Publications

Wellness Book Series

  • Part 1 – Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Part 2 – Phasellus malesuada nibh
  • Part 3 – Feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!